

Amongst other more random entries you will find information about any current exhibitions where you can see my work, together with details of forthcoming life drawing and/or painting classes that I teach.

If you would like to know more about me my website has more biographical information and a large selection of images of my artwork.

Friday, 18 January 2013

Life drawing and painting classes spring 2013

My first life drawing workshop of the new year is on Saturday 2nd February, this is followed by a second on Saturday 2nd March. If it is life painting that you are interested in I have a life painting workshop (single pose) on Saturday 6th April. The workshops all take place from 10am to 4pm in the fully equipped art studio at Shottery Memorial Hall, nr. Stratford on Avon. The workshops cost £40 for the day (which includes paper and light refreshments). All classes must be pre-booked. To book or for further information please click on this link .