

Amongst other more random entries you will find information about any current exhibitions where you can see my work, together with details of forthcoming life drawing and/or painting classes that I teach.

If you would like to know more about me my website has more biographical information and a large selection of images of my artwork.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Carpe diem

"Dead of night" - Neil Moore
Painted in 1989. Oil on canvas. 101.5 x82cms
Last Friday I attended both the funeral of one dear friend and a memorial concert for another who recently took his leave. The sense of loss is eased by the consolation of knowing that their lives, as both artists and people, were fruitful. One of the ironies of outliving others is that in listening to the eulogies I discovered more about them in death than I knew in life, and I so wished I had shared more of their lives.

This reminder of the temporary nature of our lives serves to remind me/us to make the most of what time we have left - hence the 'carpe diem' in the title. The 'day' that I hope that you will 'seize' is Saturday 3rd March when I am running the next the life drawing workshop. If you would like to book, or require further details, please contact me by email by clicking on this link