

Amongst other more random entries you will find information about any current exhibitions where you can see my work, together with details of forthcoming life drawing and/or painting classes that I teach.

If you would like to know more about me my website has more biographical information and a large selection of images of my artwork.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Always look on the bright side of life

I often say (only half jokingly), when urging drawing students to try using black and white media on a half-tone paper, that it is like "life" - "mostly grey with the occasional highlights and dark patches". My own life recently has been more akin to indian ink on white paper - no half tones.
                                                                                                            Last summer (or the season previously known as summertime) was an unexpectedly fallow period for me. Generally I manage to spend the majority of my time indulging myself by creating paintings and drawings, but all manner of things conspired to get in the way and I was hardly able to get in my studio. This enforced break really brought it home to me how much I need the solitude of my studio to cope with the vicissitudes of life.  It is entirely possible that I need my 'art' more than the artworld needs me.

"Kirsty"                   40.5 x 30.5cms.             Oil on canvas 

 I was very fortunate to persuade a former model (Kirsty) to come up from London and spend a few precious days of her annual leave working for me. For over a decade she has featured in, and inspired, more paintings and drawings than any other. Kirsty has this rare empathic ability to register in her expression the subtlest of emotional states that I require of her (she would make a brilliant film actress). I am presently using the imagery I gathered from her for my new work (see illustration) which will hopefully be included in my next exhibition in April 2013 at Nigel Walker's new gallery Creation Fine Arts, Beverley, Yorkshire. This will be my first gallery exhibition with my wife, Jane, who will be exhibiting her enamelled silver jewellery alongside my paintings and drawings. 

Autumn 2012 Life Drawing and Painting Classes

Alongside my own work I continue to organise, and teach, life drawing and painting classes. My regular thursday evening class is full this term but I have a couple of Saturday 'workshops' scheduled. The first is a life drawing day on Saturday the 3rd of November and this is followed by a life painting day(single pose) on Saturday the 1st of December. These workshops are held in the fully equipped art studio above Shottery Memorial Hall, near Stratford on Avon. They start at 10am and finish at 4pm and the cost is £40 for the day (which includes paper and light refreshments). Please contact me if you would like to book or require further information by clicking on this link .                                                             

Saturday, 16 June 2012

New paintings and drawings - Warwickshire Open Studios

I will be holding an exhibition of my new paintings and drawings(including the one above) as part of  Warwickshire Open Studios. This bi-annual event, formerly known as Warwickshire Artsweeks, is a fantastic opportunity to see the breadth and depth of creativity in my home county. Jane, my wife, will be exhibiting her  jewellery alongside my own recent work. Details of our exhibition, together with all the others, are available at .    

Additional life drawing and painting summer school

For those of you who were unable to get a place on my July summer school I am proposing to hold another one in August. It will take place in the fully equipped art studio at Shottery on tuesday, wednesday and thursday 7th, 8th and 9th August. This three day course is a wonderful opportunity to learn and practice a range of media and techniques. The mornings are devoted to drawing with a range of poses from rapid dynamic ones to more langorous long ones. The model will be in the same pose every afternoon to enable a life painting to be completed.The cost is £120, which includes paper and light refreshments. For more information or to book a place please email me via this link

Sunday, 27 May 2012

East West - where to see my work currently

 'Contradiction' oil on canvas, 81.5 x 91.5cms
If you are in London I have some of my paintings in a show of gallery artists at East West until the 3rd. June. East West gallery, who have exhibited my work since 1995, will be relocating and this is their last exhibition at 214, Kensington Park Rd., W11 1NR (Tel. David Solomon, the gallery director for details of opening times, 0207 229 7981 - now is a good time to buy from them as they are reducing stock prices from May 26th to the 3rd June). Included is the image above 'Contradiction' from a series of works that I painted playing with the ridiculous idea of picturing noise. An expression of the frustration and futility of not being listened to, being misunderstood. An idea that I can trace back to a painting I did in the early 80's of a figure beating a drum with a feather. Rather disappointingly when I found a swan primary feather big enough to contribute visually it actually made quite a noise when you struck the drum with it. C'est la vie.

'Implosion' oil on canvas, 27.5 x 23.5cms.

More locally, I have some recent paintings, including the one above, in the A.M.A. (Assoc. of  Midland Artists) show at Fosters Gallery. Fosters Gallery is at 35, Grennhill St., Stratford upon Avon, CV37 6LE and the exhibition continues until mid June.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Life drawing and painting summer school

My annual 3 day summer school will take place this year on July 17th,18th & 19th.(tuesday to thursday, £120) in the fully equipped art studio at Shottery, nr. Stratford on Avon. For those of you who, like me, are passionate about working directly from the figure it is a great opportunity to experiment with a wide variety of techniques and media. Each morning a range of poses from quick dynamic ones through to longer, more languorous, ones will be included to extend your approach to drawing. In the afternoons the model will be in the same pose to enable you to have the opportunity to complete a life painting.
'Belle jar' - oil on canvas 74 x 51cms. Neil Moore 2012

 If you can't commit to the summer school I still have spaces on my life drawing workshop on Saturday 5th May and the 2nd June life painting workshop. The day workshops cost £40 for the day which includes paper and light refreshments. I offer concessions to school students (£30) and to members of the artists groups Warwickshire Artists and A.M.A. (£36) to which I belong. 

Please contact by email at if you would like to book for any of the above or would like further information 

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Pressure - art and life

'Pressure'  by Neil Moore 31.5 x 31.5cms Oil on canvas 2012
I had thought that as I got older life would perhaps be a little easier but in many ways the opposite is true. I seem to have accumulated more and more responsibilities as well as possessions. Experience helps in handling the responsibilities and I can just about cope, - but as to 'stuff', I begin to wonder whether I own things or it is they that own me. Usually I can retreat from the vicissitudes of reality into the 'therapy' room - my studio. Latterly my home has had to undergo some major surgery and even this solace was denied me for a while. The little painting above was painted prior to the builders shattering the relative peace of my life and, presciently, is entitled 'Pressure'.

For those of you who enjoy my life drawing and painting classes I have news of forthcoming opportunities. I am taking bookings now for a life drawing workshop on saturday 5th May  and a single pose life painting day on saturday 2nd June. If you are quick there may be also be a space in my weekly thursday evening life drawing class next term. Please contact me if you would like to book or require further information.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Carpe diem

"Dead of night" - Neil Moore
Painted in 1989. Oil on canvas. 101.5 x82cms
Last Friday I attended both the funeral of one dear friend and a memorial concert for another who recently took his leave. The sense of loss is eased by the consolation of knowing that their lives, as both artists and people, were fruitful. One of the ironies of outliving others is that in listening to the eulogies I discovered more about them in death than I knew in life, and I so wished I had shared more of their lives.

This reminder of the temporary nature of our lives serves to remind me/us to make the most of what time we have left - hence the 'carpe diem' in the title. The 'day' that I hope that you will 'seize' is Saturday 3rd March when I am running the next the life drawing workshop. If you would like to book, or require further details, please contact me by email by clicking on this link    

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Life Drawing and Painting Opportunities in Warwickshire 2012

I am organising life drawing and painting classes again this year beginning with the first of a series of day 'workshops' on Saturday 4th February. These day workshops are usually held on the first saturday of the month throughout the year. They take place in the fully equipped studio at Shottery Memorial Hall near Stratford on Avon. They start at 10am and finish at 4pm and the cost is £40 for the day - this includes basic paper and light refreshments.  The day comprises of different poses, some very short and dynamic through to longer more langorous poses. Different techniques and media are suggested throughout the day. 

I also teach a weekly evening class in Leamington Spa. These take place on thursday evenings in the North Hall, Spencer Yard, from 6.15 - 8.15pm and the cost this term is £120 for ten weeks beginning on 12th January and finishing on 22nd. March (half term 16th Feb.).

Alongside my own love of life drawing I also enjoy painting from life and I like to give others the rare oppoprtunity to do a life painting so two or three times a year I do a single pose painting/drawing day. Every summer I also run life drawing and painting three day summer schools.

If you have any questions or are interested in attending any of my life drawing or painting classes please email me (  and I will add you to my email list and keep you informed of life drawing and painting opportunities throughout the year.

Please note all classes must be prebooked and paid for in advance (either by sending me a cheque or by online banking). I am keen to encourage newcomers and younger people to the delights of working from the figure and I offer a concessionary rates to newcomers and those in full time education. Please contact me for details.