Untitled (as yet) - oil painting on canvas, 125.5 x 101.5cms |
Firstly can I apologise for the long interval since my last posting, I have been busy making artworks. There are just too many 'time bandits' that cant/wont wait and because this blog isn't one of them it gets pushed to the bottom of my 'to do' list.
The 'collaboration', which I mentioned in my last post, continues apace. So far I have completed eleven drawings and this one painting. My collaborator (whom I shall refer to as 'A' to preserve her privacy) has, under the most difficult of circumstances, been busy producing drawings too. Our intention is to exhibit the work together when we are ready - which hopefully wont be too long now.
It has been a problematic, though interesting, diversion from my normal working method. The continuing dilemma is whether or not I should be making imagery of 'A'. Am I being exploitative, even prurient? Could the attention given to 'A' (by using her as a subject) in some way affirm her own body dismorphia as not being deviant? In my efforts to help her divert her destructive obsession into the more healthy and creative direction am I inadvertently encouraging her self destruction (by in some way 'celebrating' her emaciation)?
My belief in the therapeutic power of creativity (which has saved me from spiralling downwards many a time) caused me to think it a risk worth taking. Thankfully, so far, it seems to be working and she has made tremendous progress both physically and artistically (psychologically it is too early to tell, but I am, as ever, hopeful).
Oh yes, this posts title "centrefold" refers to the use of one of my paintings ('Quietus') in ARTSPACE magazine produced by Leamington Studio Artists. apparently there is no such thing as bad publicity (see the link to the right).