

Amongst other more random entries you will find information about any current exhibitions where you can see my work, together with details of forthcoming life drawing and/or painting classes that I teach.

If you would like to know more about me my website has more biographical information and a large selection of images of my artwork.

Thursday, 25 November 2010


Untitled (as yet) - oil painting on canvas, 125.5 x 101.5cms

Firstly can I apologise for the long interval since my last posting, I have been busy making artworks. There are just too many 'time bandits' that cant/wont wait and because this blog isn't one of them it gets pushed to the bottom of my 'to do' list.

The 'collaboration', which I mentioned in my last post, continues apace. So far I have completed eleven drawings and this one painting. My collaborator (whom I shall refer to as 'A' to preserve her privacy) has, under the most difficult of circumstances, been busy producing drawings too. Our intention is to exhibit the work together when we are ready - which hopefully wont be too long now.

It has been a problematic, though interesting, diversion from my normal working method. The continuing dilemma is whether or not I should be making imagery of 'A'. Am I being exploitative, even prurient? Could the attention given to 'A' (by using her as a subject) in some way affirm her own body dismorphia as not being deviant? In my efforts to help her divert her destructive obsession into the more healthy and creative direction am I inadvertently encouraging her self destruction (by in some way 'celebrating' her emaciation)? 

My belief in the therapeutic power of creativity (which has saved me from spiralling downwards many a time) caused me to think it a risk worth taking. Thankfully, so far, it seems to be working and she has made tremendous progress both physically and artistically (psychologically it is too early to tell, but I am, as ever, hopeful).

Oh yes, this posts title "centrefold" refers to the use of one of my paintings ('Quietus') in ARTSPACE magazine produced by Leamington Studio Artists. apparently there is no such thing as bad publicity (see the link to the right).


I am continuing to hold life drawing and occasional painting workshops at the studio in Shottery (nr. Stratford on Avon). They are usually on the first saturday of the month but it being New Years Day there wont be one in January. The first workshop of the new year will be a life drawing day on Saturday 5th February and the cost will be £40. As always, places must be pre-booked and paid for in advance. Please contact me by email if you wish to book or require any further

Sunday, 26 September 2010


Exhibit A - Charcoal on paper

         The comfortable routine of my (creative) life - so reassuringly constant has been disrupted. Whether by chance or destiny an uninvited guest has appeared and unsettled me. 

My own history as an artist has been one of unswerving self indulgence - I paint only what I want, I don't do commissions or repeat images. It is a 'control' thing. Unlike the rest of my life, which is necessarily compromised by external pressures, in my art I have total control (subject only to the limitations of my own imagination and skill). Without my art I couldn't cope - it is both a joy and a necessity.

I tell you this because it may explain why when 'A' turned up looking for modelling work I saw in her that same need for 'control'. Her need she assuages by starving herself. She had been a talented art student but she became so successful at denying herself food that she was unable to continue. So weak that she couldn't function normally she did continue to draw. Probably no more than listless doodles to while away the hours of lassitude, they demonstrated to me both skill and imagination. All the more tragic that this talent had been stifled by her 'disorder'. In the hope that she might be able to channel her desire for control in a constructive direction instead of the self destruction she inflicted on herself, I suggested that we collaborate together on an art project.

Using 'A' herself as the subject, we have both agreed to complete a series of drawings within a specified time with the intention that, provided there was no deterioration in her condition, we would exhibit them together on completion.  

My fervent hope is that she will begin to examine and express her 'obsession' through drawing, creatively supplant the nihilism and perhaps even neutralise the causes of her disorder (after all isn't this what all artists do to some extent).

Above is my first of several drawings that I have done as part of the collaboration. If you click on the word 'guest' in the first sentence it will take you to a fascinatingly relevent blog which I follow.         

Life Drawing and Painting Classes

The thursday evening class is fully enrolled and up and running. If you had intended to join us you will have to wait until after Christmas and see if any spaces become available. In addition to this blog I circulate information about future life drawing and painting opportunities via email. Please email me if you would like to be added to my email list.

I am taking bookings now for a life painting workshop on Saturday 6th November and the next life drawing workshop on Saturday 4th December. Both workshops cost £40 for the day. Please email me for further details or if you would like to book.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

The happiest day of your life

'The happiest day of your life',  90 x 91.5cms, Oil on canvas, 1988
The above image is of a painting that I did long ago when I was evidently not that enamoured with marriage. It isn't that I didn't believe in the long term commitment that marriage enshrines(supposedly), it is just that I had noticed at the time, when a lot of my friends were taking the plunge, that often the size and spectacle of the wedding was in inverse proportion to the time the 'happy' couple stayed together. The reason I included it is because my own daughter's wedding took place last week and it was, thankfully a modest but truly happy occasion which will I am sure prove my youthful cynicism to be unfounded.

Now that it is over I am beginning to get my head around the classes that I am organising and teaching this autumn,

Autumn Life Drawing Classes

I am going on holiday at the beginning of September so the first of my monthly one day life drawing workshops, which usually take place on the first Saturday of the month, will be on Saturday 2nd October. I am taking bookings for this workshop now. It will take place as usual in the art studio at Shottery Memorial hall, near Stratford on Avon, from 10am until 4.30pm and the cost is £40.  

I have a few spaces for newcomers in my weekly evening class which takes place every thursday (during term times) from 6.15 - 8.15pm in Leamington Spa. The term starts on 16th September and costs £144 (half term is 28th Oct. and we finish on 9th Dec.).

All my classes have to be booked and paid for in advance. Please email me if you would like any further information and to check whether there are spaces left.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Double or drop

Those of you old enough to remember 'Crackerjack' will doubtless find 'Double or drop' familiar. As to whether or not it will help in understanding my latest painting, I doubt it. Having completed my own 'Artsweek' exhibition while putting the work all back in store I have had time to reflect on the experience of meeting my 'public'. The most often asked question was "what is it about", closely followed by "where do you get your ideas from"? The second one is easy to answer (from a little shop in Walthamstow), the first is more complicated in that it presumes that I know, which isn't actually accurate. I suspect that the questioners found my answer "that I don't yet know", either implausible or downright disingenuous. My process of generating imagery is wholly intuitive - ideas arise out of whatever life presents me with at any particular time. I make choices based on a 'like or dislike' basis as to what I paint and exactly how it is put together. I don't analyse why I choose - I just trust that it may become apparent when the resultant painting is complete. As to the 'meaning' that viewer seems to crave, there aren't any 'answers' in the paintings - only questions. I once heard Melvyn Bragg, on talking about his writing, say that "I only know what I think when I write what I feel". I can relate that to my own practice and I wish that I was as confident as he about the outcome.  

Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Forthcoming exhibitions July 2010

Warwickshire Arts Weeks 

I am exhibiting a new paintings and drawings at my home in Leamington Spa. Because of other commitments I am only opening on the weekends of the 3rd & 4th and 10th & 11th of July from 10am to 5pm. My partner, Jane is also exhibiting a selection of her enamelled silver jewellery alongside my own work.

I am also exhibiting this painting as part in the Leamington Studio Artists Summer Show at Warwickshire College (July 13th - 23rd, weekday only opening 10am -5pm. except for Saturday 17th. 10am - 4pm).
For further information check out the following links :-

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Painting and pants

Here is my latest painting - I am about to start another version of it if I can find the time. It is called 'Double or drop', which for those of you who old enough to remember the childrens T.V. program 'Crackerjack' will have some resonance. The 'pants' - well this past year I have had to spend an inordinate amount of time marketing my work. Sales have been hard to come by and I have had to create as many sales opportunities as I can by exhibiting a lot and also going in for as many competitive exhibitions as I can 'dovetail' in. I am reconciled now to the rejections that submitting to competitive shows inevitably bring, but I have a suspicion that many shows are organised to generate income in submission fees from already impecunious artists (especially the competitive shows that require only a digital submission).

I am beginning to get my head around the bi-annual Warwickshire Artsweek, which is approaching fast. Having lived in Warwickshire for most of my life I like to participate in local arts events - it is a chance to give something back to the community. I like to show work that hasn't yet been exhibited so visitors always find something new to look at. Just what work I will have depends on the success or otherwise of my 'open' submissions. I am hoping to complete a few drawings to hang in the show - I find it is good to have some more affordable works. I will post more details about my Artsweek Exhibition in the near future, so watch this space.